What Lacquers have been used on cables with succes

There was discussion about Lacquers used on IC's and Speaker Cables.

I was wondering if anyone knew of commercial wires that are being made using this method with what type of lacquer and what others might have experimented with in order to find a substitute for teflon?

I want to get close as possible to havig an Air Dielectric as possible.

I will look into the the Spray Contact cleaner. Another one is Craigs I think it's called.

I am trying to get as Close to an Sir Dielectric as possible.

One of the things I did not like about the Dayton RCAs are they have very little area to use solder in for the return lines. I ended up wedgeing plastic in the space to get contact instead of Solder/ The results were good,but I do not feel comfortable with the connection. I could use A plastic melting gun to make it better.

Other RCAs I will try are Home Grown which look really good for the $$ and I had bad luck with the Cardas SVLR RCAs.

I was thinking that using Silver Wire I would want to use Silver RCAs,but Eichmann Silvers are to pricey for my purposes and the Cardas's looked like a good alternative till I tried them. They did not have good sonic quality at all and I am still trying to figure out why. Could it be because I am using a Passive Controller?
The Daytons really surprised me for the price and they are my first choice until I can try the HG's.

I have Eichmann Coppers which Are my first choice ,but if I can bring down cost by using the Daytons without sonic degradation I will use them. If the HG's are better I will go with them seeing that they are only a few more $$'s and are Silver.

The reference to beat is the OTA Cable terminated with Eichmann Plugs. For Silver Cable IC's I am quite impressed with what I have come up with.

For Speaker Cable I am using 26AWG Pure Silver going to the Midrange\Tweeter XO. For the Bass I have a run of 18ga. Tara Labs TFA PH.II. This is being used for Bi-Wiring of NEAR M50MKII's using updated drivers which only I and the manf. have at the moment. So I am impressed by what I have come up with thus far and they a re very cost effective.

I have other cable coming that I hope is as good as the OTA. I am paying alot for it though after doing a through search for an ulternative.

I am experimenting to see what works best in my system at the moment. Having fun and alot of frustration doing it! It is worth it though.

Thanks for the info on the Q-Dope and Contact Cleaner!

BWhite:It looks good,but it's very expensive.I might definitely use it for my personal cables like IC's,but it might be to cocstly for a 10ft speaker run.

I have not read the reviews yet. I will tomarrow. The reason I want to use a lacquer is that I want to have a substitute for teflon covering.My aim is to have something closer to an Air Dielectric. I am experimenting with Bare wire. Silver at the moment with some good success.

The IC's & speaker wires I have made surpass all the other's I have tried in my system so I am making progress.

Thanks for the links!
Abex, please keep up the updates. THey are VERY informative & valuable.
You realise of course that what you're doing is obviously a God sent "light at the end of the expensive wire tunnel" to all those who, like myself, are too lazy to take up tools and experiment as you are doing...:) CHeers
Abex, I think the main differentiator for C37 is its carbon content. I've heard of people applying Revlon black fingernail polish with added pencil shavings on wire who claim the results are similar to the C37. I'm not sure how flexible the nail polish is though.