would you bother?

hey all.i am considering getting into vinyl but don't own a single lp.if it was you in this position would you bother or not?
I agree with Johnnantais with respect to the silly hand-wringing over cost. The ONLY issue with respect to cost is that if you have no LP's, it will cost a good deal to build a library of music. But, if you also have no CD's, or very few, even building a music library will be cheaper with vinyl, unless all you desire is 50’s jazz or rare classical pieces. You can spend what Johnnantais speaks of and maybe be very happy, especially when compared to the same money spent on digital. You can also spend 3-4 times, or more, what he is speaking of and be thrilled - and I'd wager much more thrilled than the same dollars spent on digital. I think most people that say no to this have either bought products that don't mate well, are suspect to begin with, and/or lack the knowledge or are too lazy you do a proper setup.

Taking off on the Johnnantias, I'll toss down the gauntlet.

Say there are two guys who have the same linestage, amp, and speakers. Now, let's deal in retail pricing. I'll buy a Nottingham Spacedeck w/Spacearm ($2,700), Shelter MKII ($700) cartridge, a K&K Audio phono stage ($1,800), a $300 IC of your choice, and let's throw in $500 for a VPI 16.5 vacuum machine and 4 bottles of Record Research Cleaners while we’re at it since I can anticipate the wailings with respect to cleaning. That's $6,000. NOT chicken feed to most mortal folks, like me.

You go out and spend $6,000 retail on a transport, DAC, IC, and any kind of CD cleaner/Auric illuminator/etc. you want.

We'll butt heads with the same music and let an audience decide. I'll place my money on the big disc. In short, argue all you want with respect to the cost of building a music library from scratch and I’ll agree. Trot the same argument out for the price of equipment, and you got just that, an argument! :-) (BTW, I'd also throw down the gauntlet for nearly any price level one might want to select, instead, on a comparative basis).
if the TT comes with remote and you can FF and skip to the next track then YES.
If I were you -- no way would I start into vinyl at this point. Clicks and pops and constantly fighting the war against dust in your grooves...I don't care if
you gave me the LP, there's no way I want to be stuck playing LP's with all those clicks and pops. Fuhgedaboudit! Digital has gotten too good to put
yourself through all that -- same with digital players. I gave up all my vinyl a little while ago and have never looked back. Just my opinion.
I guess I should qualify my answer. Personally I would not because of all the maintenance issues associated with vinyl. On top of the cost of good quality vinyl(180g-250g) about $40.00 a pop. SACD is just to good for me to even consider getting into vinyl. However, having said that you seem to have an interest. You can always try it (buy used) and if you don't like it sell the equipment here on audiogon. As you can see there are quite a few enthusiasts who love it.