would you bother?

hey all.i am considering getting into vinyl but don't own a single lp.if it was you in this position would you bother or not?
If I were you -- no way would I start into vinyl at this point. Clicks and pops and constantly fighting the war against dust in your grooves...I don't care if
you gave me the LP, there's no way I want to be stuck playing LP's with all those clicks and pops. Fuhgedaboudit! Digital has gotten too good to put
yourself through all that -- same with digital players. I gave up all my vinyl a little while ago and have never looked back. Just my opinion.
I guess I should qualify my answer. Personally I would not because of all the maintenance issues associated with vinyl. On top of the cost of good quality vinyl(180g-250g) about $40.00 a pop. SACD is just to good for me to even consider getting into vinyl. However, having said that you seem to have an interest. You can always try it (buy used) and if you don't like it sell the equipment here on audiogon. As you can see there are quite a few enthusiasts who love it.

With vinyl, you won't WANT to FF and skip to the next track.

And even if you do, it's a small price to pay.
I got back into vinyl only 9 months ago.
Had an opportunity to buy a couple of hundred LPs (no TT, no Pre pre)
I decided to do it.
Thne bought a couple of mi-fi TTs because I wanted lift at end of LP. An Ortofon OM20, a Shure V15-V... and 6,000LPs later.. (I get obsessed?) I am a happy clam.
Most of the main points have been covered already in the excellent responses above, but I thought I would reiterate some:
Turntables: Get a mid priced one to start. A use Rega can be had and resold for the purchase price if your dream does not work out. Or any classic that fits your budget. Buy used and then you can resell... either to upgrade, or drop out.
The software issue: Good question about what is available in your locale! Where I live I have two dozen thrift type locations that offer LPs. and a half dozen more solid LP resellers/ with 3 new LP sellers in a 10 minute freeway drive. Many of these are excellent sources for cheap LPs. Much of the fun (for me) is in the looking, Though others have made it abundantly clear that they prefer to spend the cash for quality stuff ready to play..)
Many excellent on-line sources for LPs, used or new.
Depending on your take, eBay can be fun, or not worth the bother, as a source of LPs.
Cleaning is not a problem, but something needed for any LP entering your home! New or used they need a good wet cleaning. Start by hand with the sink method, and buy some new sleeves (for post-clean use) from one of the many on-line places that offer sleeves.
One of the benefits of LP is the huge amount of stuff that may never make it to CeeDee. In Classical music it is difficult to find many performances or even works on CeeDee that are on LP.
One last thing, check out the 'vinyl asylum' at Audioasylum.