Cart Before the Horse: Signal Path Help Please

Hello all -

Short version:
What is the best way to get FLAC files from an external HD --> DAC --> integrated -->Speakers?

Long Version:

I have been digitizing my CDs, building on my extensive Pink Floyd Bootleg collection and purchasing some HD Audio. Currently all of this is housed on an external FireWire HD - with me swapping files to my Laptop as I feel like it. I also listen to a lot of Spotify to discover new music (much of which I then purchase on CD, LP w/ Download or HD).

I'm trying to figure how best to tie all of this together in the cleanest AND user friendly way. For instance - I'd love to be able to rip CD's or Download HD to my laptop and then wirelessly transfer to an external HD and then be able to control that via my iphone. Or be able to do spotify direct from a magic box, etc ...

I hope this isn't too wide ranging a question and there is an obvious way that I am missing.

So I'm building my new system in somewhat of a convoluted order. At this point i have:
- Primare i30 Integrated Amp
- Primare CD31 CD Player
- Music Fidelity m1DAC A
- Pair 1 Meter XLR interconnects
- .5m Fairly nice TosLink Cable
- 1st Generation 40 gb appleTV

On the Way:
Orbit Turntable from KickStarter (Just for fun!)

Left over - to probably be upgraded (but that is a whole other thread!)
- 1 Pair B&W 685s
- 1 Pair Kimber In Wall Bi-Wired Speaker Cables (25') Decent at $2.75/ Foot

thank you!
I agree with Audioengr, I have a Sonos that I no longer use. Its digital output is so-so at best. Even when connected to a PS Audio PWD mk2 in Native X mode that is supposed to re-clock. The issue I hear with the Sonos is the lack of image focus and separation between images. I believe this is due to the high jitter that Audioengr references. I'm sure that the Synchro Mesh improves upon this quite substantially. In the end, I decided to buy a Bryston BDP-2 for my digital file playback and I'm happy with the improvement over the Sonos.

Also, if you want the best sound quality, rip to WAV. If you already have a considerable number of FLAC files, convert them to WAV using dBPowereamp or equivalent. WAV sounds better than FLAC and HDD storage is cheap so why try to save space and sacrifice SQ?
Touch is probably the best stock source without reclocking, although it improves some with reclocking. The difference with Mac Mini is you can have hi-res, although to achieve similar results as Touch you must buy a good player software and do some tweaks to the OS as well as purchasing a low-jitter USB converter or USB DAC (good luck).

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
The "best" is all a matter of budget!

I would think a NAS over ethernet (like a Vortexbox) into an appliance (like the Touch) would be easiest and good, although Logitech has EOL'd the Touch, grrr.

Stepping up in quality and expense, you could build a dedicated USB-based CAPS server, or a commercial one box device like from Bryston, NAD, Meridian, Linn or Naim. I think Cambridge and NAD have some more budget oriented devices, too.

You can then optimize the USB transport side of things with maybe the new dual-headed Gemini cable from iFi audio, which isolates the data line from the USB power line.

I'd go for a Touch based system or a CAPS, myself.
Sorry, it's the PC-based headless server designs from Computer Audiophile, described here