MC or MM?

What is the difference between moving coil and moving magnet? The preamp I am buying can accept both.

From audioadvisor, the Grado Statement is MM, which Grade Reference is MC. It almost look like the MM is better than the MC. However, I think Audiogoners can offer better advice then retailers can.
Stop! Please make it STOP! The confusion is killing me! But go-go Grado! If the great Harvey Rosenberg (long will his passing be mourned) devoted a section of his revered writings to the Woodies, you know they're great!
I have both the similarly priced Grado Reference Sonata MM, and the Benz Ace(L)MC, on a Rega 600 tonearm. I had the Grado for a while, and eventually heard a hum, and realized that the wood body had a crack in it, from the screw hole, down the front of the bodt by the logo (no, I didn't crank down on the screw). I replaced it with a Benz while waiting for the repair/replacement. Luckily my pre-amp has controlable dip switches for both.
Anyway, the Benz has color coded prongs on the cartridge for the headshell wires. When I got back the Grado, I realized that the whole time, I had the left/right channels mixed up, because besides confusing nomenclature, the instructions show the wiring configuration, but has the cartridge upside down, in the picture (needle up). Why does it have to be so confusing?
OTOH, I do like the sound of the Grado better...warmer highs, and deeper bass.

You ain't the 1st one to have criss-crossed the connections of a Grado Ref. cart & you will not be the last one either! My friend owns a Grado Ref. Sonata on his VPI Aries/JMW10 & he did exactly the same thing! Reason: the instructions show the cart. the flipped way compared to the way the user is likely to view it @ the time of mounting!
A friend was visiting & he played an Ella F. LP on my system & the vocals came from the right. We then visited my VPI owner friend & we played the same LP & the vocals came from the left! Our visiting friend said "I can swear that I heard the vocals from the right not 10 minutes ago!!" A HFN Test LP was pulled out & we discovered a criss-crossing of the headshell leads to the cart.!!
Yes, why does it have to be so confusing???
Glad I'm not the only one.
On another note, I called Grado after waiting 2 weeks, and they said that they hadn't even looked at my cart yet, and it will be another 2 weeks b4 they send it back, due to the fact that they are "busy". This I find unacceptable.
The next time, I am faced with a choice of products, I know which direction, I will not go in.