MC or MM?

What is the difference between moving coil and moving magnet? The preamp I am buying can accept both.

From audioadvisor, the Grado Statement is MM, which Grade Reference is MC. It almost look like the MM is better than the MC. However, I think Audiogoners can offer better advice then retailers can.

You ain't the 1st one to have criss-crossed the connections of a Grado Ref. cart & you will not be the last one either! My friend owns a Grado Ref. Sonata on his VPI Aries/JMW10 & he did exactly the same thing! Reason: the instructions show the cart. the flipped way compared to the way the user is likely to view it @ the time of mounting!
A friend was visiting & he played an Ella F. LP on my system & the vocals came from the right. We then visited my VPI owner friend & we played the same LP & the vocals came from the left! Our visiting friend said "I can swear that I heard the vocals from the right not 10 minutes ago!!" A HFN Test LP was pulled out & we discovered a criss-crossing of the headshell leads to the cart.!!
Yes, why does it have to be so confusing???
Glad I'm not the only one.
On another note, I called Grado after waiting 2 weeks, and they said that they hadn't even looked at my cart yet, and it will be another 2 weeks b4 they send it back, due to the fact that they are "busy". This I find unacceptable.
The next time, I am faced with a choice of products, I know which direction, I will not go in.