Wadia, Audio Aero, Meridian, BAT and BOW


i have a Wadia 860 and was considering upgrading to the Wadia 861.

But i could also sell the 860 and buy either the Meridian 588, BAT Vk-D5 SE, the Audio Aero Capitole CDP or the BOW Wizard.

I was wondering if anyone could comment on the above players, and say which ones they would prefer and why.

I have the Capitole 24/192- simply wonderful! (also allows you to bypass a preamp w its built in volume control). You won't be disappointed.
I too have a Capitole 24/192. Makes the 860 sound very lacking in palpability, seeming to just give you the details and not the organic reality. The Capitole is wonderful, but I must admit my Res Audio CD55 comes awfully close for much less money.
Well i have the advantage (for once) of living in France, where the Audio Capitole is built. I can buy it for much les money than US folk :)

Its actually cheaper over here than a Res Audio CD55 or the Bow Wizard..... It costs smthg like 3.900$.

How about the *new* EMC-1 24/192, has anyone heard it ?
the bat is worth listening to if you can do so. i'm not familar with the others you mention since after purchasing the bat 3yrs ago i lost the need. the bat is neutral, smooth, and musical in the best sense (its not euphonic, crap in - crap out).

Ou est-ce qu'on trouve a Paris par exemple, le lecteur Audio Aero Capitole? Le pris $3900.00 que vous avez mentionne, est-ce que c'est le pris suggere par le fabricant, ou est-ce-qu'il faut negocier ce pris avec les vendeurs aux magasins audios apres avoir tenu compte des baisses de pris typiques? Avez-vous un lecteur Audio Aero Capitole? Je vous demande ces questions parce que si la difference entre le pris ici (a New-York) et a Paris depasse une certaine marge, je me demanderai pourquoi pas l'acheter la prochaine fois que je serai a Paris? Est-ce vous connaissez le nouvel lecteur que Audio Aero fera sortir qui s'appelera Prestige (au moins, c'est le nom ici). Est-ce qu'il est sorti la?