Wadia, Audio Aero, Meridian, BAT and BOW


i have a Wadia 860 and was considering upgrading to the Wadia 861.

But i could also sell the 860 and buy either the Meridian 588, BAT Vk-D5 SE, the Audio Aero Capitole CDP or the BOW Wizard.

I was wondering if anyone could comment on the above players, and say which ones they would prefer and why.

Well i have the advantage (for once) of living in France, where the Audio Capitole is built. I can buy it for much les money than US folk :)

Its actually cheaper over here than a Res Audio CD55 or the Bow Wizard..... It costs smthg like 3.900$.

How about the *new* EMC-1 24/192, has anyone heard it ?
the bat is worth listening to if you can do so. i'm not familar with the others you mention since after purchasing the bat 3yrs ago i lost the need. the bat is neutral, smooth, and musical in the best sense (its not euphonic, crap in - crap out).

Ou est-ce qu'on trouve a Paris par exemple, le lecteur Audio Aero Capitole? Le pris $3900.00 que vous avez mentionne, est-ce que c'est le pris suggere par le fabricant, ou est-ce-qu'il faut negocier ce pris avec les vendeurs aux magasins audios apres avoir tenu compte des baisses de pris typiques? Avez-vous un lecteur Audio Aero Capitole? Je vous demande ces questions parce que si la difference entre le pris ici (a New-York) et a Paris depasse une certaine marge, je me demanderai pourquoi pas l'acheter la prochaine fois que je serai a Paris? Est-ce vous connaissez le nouvel lecteur que Audio Aero fera sortir qui s'appelera Prestige (au moins, c'est le nom ici). Est-ce qu'il est sorti la?
I agree with Newbee that the Bat VK-D5 SE is a very good cdp and worth listening to before making a final decision. I have heard the Bat extensively and know it requires lots of current. The super tubes provide more resolution, detail, and dynamics. I heard Bat will be introducing a 24-bit cdp soon. I have not heard the other cdps but I should mention that I own a 24/96 Electrocompaniet EMC-1 cdp. The EMC is very analog sounding and very sohpisticated in music decay and detail. In my opinion, the Bat and EMC-1 are two of the best cdps in its price class.
To answer your questions, the retail price in France at a dealer is $4300. But you can get the CDPlayer factory direct for $3900. I dont think you will be able to go any lower than that.

If you come to Paris and buy it, be careful when bringing it back as if you pay customs in the US, the price will substantially be higher. I am not aware of their new model called Prestige. I will call the factory and ask about it. Will let you know