EMC1 mk2 vs Cary 306/200...

I have a EMC1 mk2, and I am getting a Cary 306/200 to compare the two together. Has anyone heard the two? What are your thoughts on these two units?



Was the EMC-1 you compared to the Cary the latest version? There is an upgrade available above and beyond the 24/192 DAC upgrade (mainly involves the replacement of quite a few passive components in the power supply, analog stages, etc.). As good as the 24/192 EMC-1 version is, the latest upgrade truly takes this player to another level.

Best Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio
No the EMC-1 mk2 I tried was not the 'latest upgrade'.

It was the original 24/192 one.


Fs: What great bait! Ha!
So what's up with the upgrade? I had asked if J-S was willing to perform the upgrade at lower cost if a skilled end user or dealer simply sends them the affected boards instead of the 44 lb player...and got no response.
Sure would save a LOT of shipping inefficiency, and about 1/2 the time at the mod end...especially as a couple of 1/2 lb boards are a lot easier to maneuver than these arks!
Help us out here, as I would think that there would be several of us who'd be glad to part with the boards and $400 to get this mod accomplished expeditiously. Thanks.
I wouldn't warrant your player as a dealer if you did the upgrade yourself. To many things can go wrong and to many variables involved when you tell end users to pop the hood. Some idiot would burn out some crucial board and demand a refund. If 40-50 parts need to be soldered there is no way I would issue a package of parts to owners and say "have at it". Sounds like a good way to go to loose money.
Eight hunderd dollars is a steal for what this upgrade offers. I know people who spend 3X that price on a new pair of cables with nary the sonic benefit. It sucks to loose the kit for awhile but I am in awe. It is truelly the closest to a record player in terms of ease of listenability, soundstaging, and bass depth I have had the pleasure to hear in my home. The Verity's let it all through with amazing clarity and accuracy. It is not mere hyperbole spewing forth from the dealer when he says analog lovers are gaga over this player. It is about 30% better than the last version. I hate to use percantage points to establish a reference for improvements but the differences are so subtle at first listen that your ear must get use to the changes over a couple of hours of dedicated listening. The information retrieved and the time domain information captured and replayed in accurate, grain free, digititus free pleasure is awesome. Good times.