Mr Clean Eraser for Stylus Cleaning

I recently tried the Mr Clean Magic Eraser (which thanks to Doug Deacon is another cheep-o break-through for analog from Audiogon forum members) and found it very effective. Previously I had only been giving a swipe with last stylus cleaner.
My question is this ... would the eraser be even better after wetting and compressing? I know many have warned against using it wet. But once wet and squeezed and dried again, the cleaned has a much greater density which seems better adapted to cleening the fine surface of the stylus.
You said it works great. It has no chemicals in it so what is the point of wetting and drying? I suppose you could give it a try and let us know if it appears there's any difference.
Doesn't the pores in the sponge catch your needle and could tear it out from the cart?
I don't understand how to use it?