People buying Transports again?

I have a friend who is looking to purchase some dCS equipment. He is set on getting the entire dCS stack. Not sure if it is the Vivaldi or Pagnini. Although he has converted his library to digital (Meridian Sooloos) he believes he gets the best sound via a Transport. Now I know this is very subjective on does it sound better and if so what is the price of it. Like him I have converted all of my music over to digital. I converted it mostly for convenience and access to my entire collection. I have downloaded some HiRez files but I have no desire to repurchase my music in HiRez format if it becomes available. To me converting from disc to digital files was like going from non-remote control preamps to preamps with remotes. I personally would not buy a non-remote controlled preamp but that is just me. Are people going back or staying with transports?
Levy03 this is nice to hear. i have quite a bit of experience with the PWD and Bridge. Great sounding unit. I have listened to hi-rez files though the Bridge and it sounds good but not what I expected. Maybe a PWT is in order.
You have to compare the SACD to a pure DSD download that is not converted to PCM. There are a few players that can play pure DSD now.
Jwm Yes DSD may be the way to go in a few years, if and when there is extensive catalogue, decent pricing etc
Although, I would give a slight advantage to a dedicated transport vs a streamer, I certainly would not invest a lot of money in a stand alone transport at this time. I just feel that with the advent of the High-Res downloads and DSD coming down the pike, that one should really think carefully about the direction that they would like to head in.

Personally, I love controlling my entire music library, which includes all of my red book rips, high-res downloads, playlists and MOG from my iPad. I currently use the Logitech Transporter, which I have compared to the MBL 1621A transport, which was only marginally better. I will upgrade my Transporter when a viable alternative is available that does everything that the Transporter does, plus pure DSD streaming (which the Transporter nor my DAC does at this time).
