My EMC-1 24 192 experience

After reading the Stereo Times review of this player against the SCD-1, I got goose bumps. This reviwer said the emc-1 made redbook cd's sound better than SACD on the SCD-1. I own the SCD-1, and on SACD it is wonderfull, but on redbook one knows that he is missing something. I tried the MF DAC w/ zero success. Last week I purchased a EMC-1 and immediately it was much better than the SCD-1 for redbook. There was more detail, warmth, air, and the sound stage was deeper and wider. I then played Take 5 on both players since I have them both on sacd and redbook. The sound is close, but the edge goes to the SCD-1. The sound is sweeter on the SCD-1, no doubt about that. With that being said, Is the EMC-1 worth the extra coin for listening to redbook CD's? Without a shadow of a doubt. Does it beat SACD? No, but it is close.

P.S. I forgot to mention how warm sounding this player is, all the harshness and rough edges of digital are history.
I must say that after a year I'm still enthralled by my EMC-1 MkII's performance. A Discovery Essence slightly sweetened the presentation over previous Siltech and Nordost XLRs, BTW. Have fun. Ernie
If you are still reading this thread, what pre are you using. I have just added the Pass Labs X-1 to my EMC-1 MKII and together they put to rest FOREVER, the notion that solid state is unmusical. This combination outperforms ALL tubed units I have heard at the same price. melt me heart! Yup, I'm using a Pass Labs Aleph P (predecessor to the X-1), and know what you mean. Even those bright-stringed early DGs sound great, eh?
I bought it to properly match my Aleph 2 monos, and am so glad I didn't screw around with other pre's. Cheers.
You only need enough space above the EMC-1 so that your hand can slide the cd drawer back. Four inches of space above my EMC-1 MKII works fine for me.

Incidentally, does anyone know why in balanced mode, my EMC-1, in conjunction with my Spectral DMC-20 preamplifier, sounds twice as loud at the same preamplifier level setting? According to my Spectral manual, the balanced input can be set to reduce the gain level by 6dB, which I confirmed is its setting. I know this because I opened the preamp and toggled the gain switch. According to my EMC-1 manual, the balanced gain is 6dB greater than the single ended gain. This should mean that the result is zero difference in gain level, but it sounds about twice as loud.:~