My EMC-1 24 192 experience

After reading the Stereo Times review of this player against the SCD-1, I got goose bumps. This reviwer said the emc-1 made redbook cd's sound better than SACD on the SCD-1. I own the SCD-1, and on SACD it is wonderfull, but on redbook one knows that he is missing something. I tried the MF DAC w/ zero success. Last week I purchased a EMC-1 and immediately it was much better than the SCD-1 for redbook. There was more detail, warmth, air, and the sound stage was deeper and wider. I then played Take 5 on both players since I have them both on sacd and redbook. The sound is close, but the edge goes to the SCD-1. The sound is sweeter on the SCD-1, no doubt about that. With that being said, Is the EMC-1 worth the extra coin for listening to redbook CD's? Without a shadow of a doubt. Does it beat SACD? No, but it is close.

P.S. I forgot to mention how warm sounding this player is, all the harshness and rough edges of digital are history.
If you are still reading this thread, what pre are you using. I have just added the Pass Labs X-1 to my EMC-1 MKII and together they put to rest FOREVER, the notion that solid state is unmusical. This combination outperforms ALL tubed units I have heard at the same price. melt me heart! Yup, I'm using a Pass Labs Aleph P (predecessor to the X-1), and know what you mean. Even those bright-stringed early DGs sound great, eh?
I bought it to properly match my Aleph 2 monos, and am so glad I didn't screw around with other pre's. Cheers.
You only need enough space above the EMC-1 so that your hand can slide the cd drawer back. Four inches of space above my EMC-1 MKII works fine for me.

Incidentally, does anyone know why in balanced mode, my EMC-1, in conjunction with my Spectral DMC-20 preamplifier, sounds twice as loud at the same preamplifier level setting? According to my Spectral manual, the balanced input can be set to reduce the gain level by 6dB, which I confirmed is its setting. I know this because I opened the preamp and toggled the gain switch. According to my EMC-1 manual, the balanced gain is 6dB greater than the single ended gain. This should mean that the result is zero difference in gain level, but it sounds about twice as loud.:~
Now that I realize you have a pass labs pre and the electrocompaniet, I am going to take your interconnect
suggestion very seriously. I will audition the Discovery essence in the near future.