Ive got me the Digital Nasties

Not counting buying a turntable or going SACD, what tips , tweaks or products have you had success with , that lessens the harshness of the cd format? Thanks!
The Blue Circle BC86 Noisehound is a good idea. Put it next to the plug nearest the amplifier, so the noise is cleanest at the source for the amp.
I own the Audio Magic Mini Digital. With a couple of good power cords, (I use Lat International. inexpensive, but combined with the Stealth--Nirvana) your cdp will go where it's never gone before. peace, warren
The Quantums are available right here. Do a member search for Mr. Stereo and contact him.
I agree with the power quality responses. I have had good luck with the JPS Digital AC cord. Being obsessive as I am I also added an ExactPower power conditioner and have been very happy.

I have also used a set of the Aurios bearings. The bearings didn't remove the harshness as much as cleaned up a slight muddiness.

Good luck,
