Audio Aero Prima Owner's Musical Taste

I've read glowing reviews from owners of the Audio Aero Prima. For those of you who own this player, would you please describe your listening tastes? I'd like to know if this player's strengths skew toward a particular style of music. Also, are you using tubed or SS amplifiers?
You can punch in on "system" and see what my deal is. You will love this cdp. The tubes toast things up and the Prima works well with either SS or tubes. I'm a jazz man, but listen to everything. No problem with this baby. Nothing can step into the ring with the Prima at this price. The Prima (excuse the corny metaphors) will go 15 rounds with just about any player costing twice the price or more. It's that great. If you're interested in a great price from an authorized dealer, give me a buzz and I'll turn you on to the fella I bought mine from. There's quite a wait for this baby. You'll have trouble finding it, but I believe Tony does have one. Peace, warren
Yeah I bought my Prima from Tony too. I second Warren's enthusiasm. I compared it to my Capitole Mk 2 and it's pretty close to just as good. I listen to quite a bit of different types of music and everything sounds great without a hint of digititis often associated with lower priced players. The Prima is uncanny in it's ability to portray the exact placement of a large orchestra.

I'm using mine with an Innersound system, all solid state with the Innersound Eros Mk 3 speakers.

Is it too late to ask info where I can audition the Prima 24/192? I live in Nothern CA and I'm very interested in listening to one or possiblly getting one.

Thanks in advance.
Go to Audio Aero's website and find out who your local dealer is. That'll do it. You'll love this baby. peace, warren