Best Inexpensive DAC

In the last 12 months I have mananged to purchase a used ML27.5, used ML38S and a new pair of Thiel 2.4. I am broke, but I can't stand listening to my old Denon CD player form 1992. I do have a coax digital out on the unit, so I thought of purchasing an interim inexpensive DAC to get me by until I can get something a little better. Any suggestions?
My vote in the used 300-500 price range would be for any of the monarchy m22* dacs. Very nice and big improvement over the internal dacs of my pioneer dv45a using an m22c.
Assuming "inexpensive" means approx $500, a used Bel Canto 1.1 or a MSB (with 24/96 upsampler card installed) could be worth investigating. I use a Bel Canto 1.1 and am quite satisfied at the price:performance ratio
I have a Benchmark DAC-1 & like it alot. It beats out my Phillips 963SA for sound quality & can be used as passive digital pre-amp with your amp because it has a vollume control. Plus it has a decent headphone amp, for the price I find it hard to beat. We tested it against my friends modded Art Dio & preferred the Benchmark. His DAC wasn't broken in yet & we will resume testing again today since his Dio has had plenty of break in time.