Anyone recommend the best small speakers for cheap

Just want to hear some input as to others experience with higher resolution/better sounding high endish type small speakers I should consider for a small space. Other than like NHT super Zero's(considering), Gallo Neuclues(probably not), what else is worth looking for that I might be able to do for surround in a small set up, and still sound good for 2 channel descent sound?.....again, compared to, say, NHT super Zero's, which I find ok? They really can't be any bigger than the Super Zero's for space constraints
Add the B&W DM303 and DM302 to your list to audition. The DM303 have a MSRP of $300. The DM302 are discontinued (replaced by the DM303), but a mint used pairs usually sell for only +/-$175.

I have a pair of Sound Dynamics RTS-3's in my downstairs system, which are very hard to beat for the money. They are not Harbeth's but for $250.00 (which they can now be gotten for) they are truly amazing.
Triangle Titus retail for $495. Stereophile recommended component class 'B'. Very detail, high end sound.