Anyone recommend the best small speakers for cheap

Just want to hear some input as to others experience with higher resolution/better sounding high endish type small speakers I should consider for a small space. Other than like NHT super Zero's(considering), Gallo Neuclues(probably not), what else is worth looking for that I might be able to do for surround in a small set up, and still sound good for 2 channel descent sound?.....again, compared to, say, NHT super Zero's, which I find ok? They really can't be any bigger than the Super Zero's for space constraints
Add the B&W DM303 and DM302 to your list to audition. The DM303 have a MSRP of $300. The DM302 are discontinued (replaced by the DM303), but a mint used pairs usually sell for only +/-$175.

I have a pair of Sound Dynamics RTS-3's in my downstairs system, which are very hard to beat for the money. They are not Harbeth's but for $250.00 (which they can now be gotten for) they are truly amazing.
Triangle Titus retail for $495. Stereophile recommended component class 'B'. Very detail, high end sound.
Probably the best sound per dollar I'm aware of would be the Axiom speakers that are really getting some nice press and reviews from owners. Given what I've read they would seem to be at another level over the NHTs, and I'd forget the Gallos if you at all care about sound. They make several models of small speakers, but I'd recommend the M3ti that I think is about the same size as the NHT Super Ones(although they make at least two smaller models that might work better given your constraints) and sell for around $225/pr. In the U.S. they're only available through the website(it's a Canadian company), which is, and they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. You can read reviews on and more if you search in Best of luck.
