Tube Amps with Vandersteen 2Ci's ???

Anyone have any experience powering 2Ci's with a tube amp? I'd like to move up from my Adcom 555 to something in the tube department, perhaps monoblocks. Already have tube preamp (Audible Illusions Mod 1), and have been eyeballing a few class A tubers. 2Ci's not your typical rock and roll speaker, will I lose all the low end punch and crispiness? Any recommendations?
arc classic 60/sp9 combo is escellent. you wont want for more bass, perhaps deeper if youre greedy but not more.
I,ve heard a lot of Vandersteens and I must say that for moderate listening levels the ARC classic 60 sounds very very good, about as good as I,ve heard. If you want for extreme bass impact I'd add the subwoofer but I doubt you'll need it.
try a hybid amp used counterpoint sa-20 or a 220 abound on the used market or any other hybrid
I'm in the the process of buying a pair of 2c's right now. I'm using a Music Reference MKII and a SP9 MKIII modified by Steve Huntley at Great Northern Sound. I'm told this combo should work very well. I have not decided on speakers yet and I am open for suggestions.