Rowland/ProAc 2.5 vs. Sonus Faber Amp/GP

Jeff Rowland Concentra Integrated & ProAc 2.5 Speaker vs. Sonus Faber Musica Integrated amplifier & Sonus Faber Concento Grand Piano Speaker? Heard both, Sonus Faber sound very soft, open, musical, seems to disappear in the space and the Rowland/ProAc seems more real, less colored, more bass and more balanced (true) to the music. The Rowland/ProAc seems to be more realistic and music like than the Sonus Faber combination. Speaker placement on both were very critical as small changes impacted the sound. Current thinking is the Rowland/ProAc 2.5 because my sense is it presents the music better, is less colored than the Grand Piano and is more real to my ears (but the Sonus Faber combination also sounded good). This is not an easy decision and I need some opinions one way or the other. Comments and advise welcomed.
I think the Rowland is an excellent choice! Before you spend any money, do yourself a big favor & audition it with a pair of Dynaudio Contour 3.3's. You won't believe your ears. You will think you are really there. Great Match. This setup likes Goetz AG 2 Speaker cables. Good Luck!
The Response 2.5s are fantastic speakers. Just bought a pair myself. Will probably pair them with Audio Research but I don't agree that ARC is "required". They will work with many good amp/preamps.
Make sure you have room treatments. Otherwise, you're hearing too much of your room's contribution.
Run, do not walk, and go buy the new Sonus Faber Grand Piano HOME's. Unbelievable. Across all dimensions they are an improvement over the original versions. Bass performance and depth is extended considerably.
proacs do work well w/many amps, but proac *does* recommend the ar 100.2 amp & the ls-16 or ls-25 if ewe ask 'em...