Small Speakers w/ Full Range Sound

Help!! I am searching for recomendations on speakers with a very small footprint and big-speaker sound + solid bass? My room is approx. 12 x 28 with 10' ceilings and hardwood floors. Don't let price get in the way of your receomendations. Thank you!!!!
You do not mention what type of music you listen to. Assuming that you're 'omnivorous', my recommendations would be the JMlabs MiniUtopia's (really authoritative with the JMlabs sub). Also, the B&W 803's (needs a punchy amp to bring out the bass, though). Monitor Audios are impressive, especially the Studio 50, but have a tad too much of the British 'politeness'. Dunlavy's have a relatively small footprint (SC V and VI), but I've only had a passing acquaintance with them. Make sure you're in a city with many stores (if not, spend a couple of days in NYC, etc) so you can listen to as many as possible, but don't overdo it until you're sick of it. Don't rush into it, either; this may take many months. Good hunting.
I would second the Dynaudio speakers. In addition to the contour line, you should look at their Confidence3. It is in their reference line and well worth listening to if price isn't a concern.
small speakers? small footprint? kinda confusing. is placement a problem? can they be out from the walls? even an excellent mini-monitor mounted properly on stands will take up the same basic amount of space as many large floor-standing speakers.
I'm assuming you are referring to moniters??? No small speaker will give you full range sound regardless of claims. I personally own a pair of Sonus Faber Electa Amators MK1 of which I am very pleased. They have mids & silky highs to die for not to mention superb imaging. They claim to go down to 40 cycles (approaches full range). However, I must admit they sound much better (fuller if you will) with my REL Stadium 11 sub.
The B&W Nautilus 805s may be the best bookshelf available. It's important to have quality equipment and flexibility with placement as these speakers are VERY revealing. You may also want to check out System Audio speakers. They offer big sound from a small size.