Amp for B&W 802N ?

Looking for advise. I have a pair of 802 Nautilus speakers, a Mark Levinson 380S preamp and a Sonic Frontiers tube CD player with a Classe 200 amp. Sound is great but I am wondering if a newer and more powerfull amp would not be more appropriate? Considering a Classe 401... any suggestions?
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The reason I ask is that on North Creek Music's web page there is no mention of the Nautilus Series, only the Matrix Series. I am not doubting that the "right" crossover made with top notch materials would sound better, however I am against througing a crossover designed for the Matrix at the Nautilus as they are different designs all together. Now if North Creek specifically marketed a crossover for the 802N that would be different. Cheers.
Have you considered another Classe 200 and running mono's, I'm considering doing that myself. The 401 is an excellent amp however, either choice would be solid, a used 200 would be less expensive.
Pops.... yes I have considered getting another Classe 200. Do you think the 401 is still a better sounding amp: being "the new and improved version" , than a pair of 200s ? Thanks again to all who have given advice. I am still procrastinating, but getting there. Snooker 14
I don't know, that's a tough question. I really like my CA 200 and I've heard the 401 and it is excellent. How different from mine - I can't comment because I haven't heard it in my system. I think bridged or dual mono in 1 chassis is always better than a stereo amp, it tightens everything up big time. I would go with 2 CA 200's if it were me.