Hsu subs

Anyone out there heard the 1220 sub(s) with/without the Hsu amp? Are they really any good (at such a low price)? Would appreciate all comments, good or bad. I'm only interested in a sub(s) for music.
i've heard teh older hsu subs, & the newer 1225, tho older w/the hsu amp, the 1225 w/another amp. hsu subs *are* nice, but i prefer my vmps subs. what ever brand ya choose, get a pair for best audio response...
I purchased one of the 1220 Hsu Research amps as part of my Home theater setup. It is matched with sunfire amps and M&K s150 and ss150 speakers. I am extremely pleased with the response that I get. My system is used about 95% for movies but the little music that I do play through it also sounds very nice. This even though the M&K's are not the best musical speakers that you can get. I also went up and met Dr. Hsu at his office and had a chance to speak with him and some of the members of his staff and found them all very friendly and helpful. I have no regrets with my purchase but am thinking of adding another even though this one will shake all of my pictures from the wall when turned up.