Omar Bose...

has passed.
***Let's face it. We have all been duped and many of us continue to be duped. It's time to wise up and start thinking for yourself.****

I cannot believe I read this on Audiogon!!! Never thought I'd see the day. Brace yourself for the Blowback.

Thank You

I prefer to think of MF as Mr. Ed.
He looks like the front end and acts like the rear.
I hear a wave radio every day. best way to make a decent recording sound flat. I watch the non audio folks rave about how good it is but I note that they dont until they see bose on the front. Best marketing folks in the business.
Audio pioneer who brought better sound to many. Innovative products that have been copied my many and a target to slam by some.

Many, many years ago the 901's took me to another level and wetted by appetite for different and better for the decades to come.

RIP Mr. Bose...Thanks for contributing to the joy of listening to music.
Paulsax, Too bad high end audio manufacturers don't know how to market their products. They continue to advertise in the same old magazines with declining subscriptions. Not only are the subscriptions declining, but they have also disappeared from the magazine racks as well. You forgot to mention price. Bose has managed to keep their products affordable, unlike high end audio manufacturers. The Bose 901 is their most expensive product with a retail price of $1400 including speakers, stands and dedicated equalizer. I recall my brother stopping by to hear my Dunlavy speakers with Audio Research electronics. He liked the sound, but he was not willing to take out a second mortgage to buy a high end stereo system.

But what this really boils down to is taste or is it? There are many high end companies and either you like their products or you don't. Nobody likes all high end products. Some are warmer sounding and others are cooler sounding. Some have better bass and others are more open. So, what is it about Bose? It's more than just the sound. It's like some entity has created a hatred for Bose by starting rumors. An entity that feels threatened by a company that can actually produce their product at a reasonable price and sell it for a profit. Maybe it is even deeper than that. Maybe it is national/ethnic or maybe it is religious. This is something we may never know, but from what I have seen this is much deeper than just a matter of taste in an audio product. Why else would Michael Fremer take it upon himself to bash a successful man at the time of his death and make an all out effort to degrade a successful company. Does Michael represent a specific group of people? Who knows?