Speaker upgrade - please advise.

Hi, I'm looking to upgrade pretty soon - most likely speakers, and I'm looking for any ideas you guys may have on the right choice. I'm looking to spend up to $6,000 used. My current system is listed on in the 'virtual systems' on Audiogon, but here goes:
Bryston 4bst power amp
Sonic Frontiers Line 3 Preamp (with tube upgrades)
B&W Nautilus 805 speakers
MSB Link DAC III & Monolithic Power supply & Upsampling
Muse Model 5 Transport
Kimber KCAG, Cardas Golden Cross analog interconnects.
Nordost Silver Shadow digital interconnect.
Stealth Triple Ribbon & PC Premier speaker cable
PS Audio 300 Powerplant
3 Shunyata Sidewinder Power Cords.

I'm thinking of moving to tube amplification at some later date (BAT or Sonic Frontiers), so will need speakers to match that set up. The speakers I'm really considering are Dynaudio Confidence 5. I'll also consider B&W Nautilus 802, but suspect there's better out there at the price. Anyway, any advice is much appreciated (also, if you see other potential upgrades in other components, let me know). Thanks!
John (Outlier)
Thanks everyone for the good advice. I'm thinking I will have to upgrade both my amp and speakers now. I may go with the amp upgrade first as it's a bit cheaper to do. The Coincident Total Eclipse sounds like a great speaker, but my room is not that big (about 18x15 feet). I think I may lean toward the Revel Studios - I have heard such great things about them I suspect they'ld match my tastes well - I should audition though :-) On the amp front, despite my yearning for tubes, I may have to get a good solid state amp to drive them. I've had the Levinson 335 recommended but it's rather expensive (over $5k used). Hence, I may consider the BAT VK500 - supposed to offer some of the warmth of tubes, and it should be far more refined than my Bryston (and half the price of the Levinson used). Anyway, I'll let you know what I end up with. Thanks again for all the good advice. Cheers,
If I had 6000.00 to spend I would use it to upgrade your source.You can buy an Audio Aero Capitole Cd Player new for that price.Its a 24-192 unit tube output.Then use the Money you get for you DAC/Transport and 805 and buy a used pair of Super Eclipse.The Cd player will blow you away.
If you can look for a local dealer and audition one in your present system.
I am a big beliver in the SOURCE being your most important piece.
Garbage in Garbage out.
at that price-range, i'd strongly consider the vmps ff3/sre - there's a pair on a-gon currrently for $4300. or the vmps ff1/sre, adwertized fo $6k on a-gon. the ff1 mite be overkill in yer room, tho... as ewe will need another amp to drive these, w/the ff3 at $4300, yule have some spare cash for a nice toob-amp for the hi-pass... ;~) wish *i* had the scratch...

regards, doug s.

Guys, Just wanted to mention that I've made three upgrades, one of which is the speakers. I replaced the Bryston 4bst with Blue Circle BC2 hybrid monoblocks - a very nice addition, bringing less brightness, more transparency and a sweeter more open soundstage. I then got a Rel Strata II sub to beef up the bottom end as the Nautilus 805s are a little lacking there. Now the system is quite robust. Finally, I'm expecting delivery of a new pair of Audio Physic Virgo IIs to replace the Nautilus 805s. I got a great deal on them, but I hope I'll have enough power (75wpc) to drive them well. They operate at a 4ohm speaker load. Anyway, we'll see. Next upgrade is CD player...........it never ends....
I have owned most of the speakers out there, C5 is a very special speaker even Temptation will admire as C5 use some very exotic soft midrange dome which cost over $800 a pair. The midrange is incrediblly fast and transparent, put some electrostatic to shame sometimes. Problem is they don't work well with tube (I tried them with SF Power 3 and they clip all the time), so mate them with a Pass Lab or Plinius.