Red Rose R3s vs. Proac 1sc vs. Dynaudio 1.3SE

I'm considering new speakers for my home office. I'd like small speakers with a big sound and don't want to include a sub. Current system: Linn Ikemi, Plinius 8150. I have yet to audition any of the three monitors listed but all seem to claim great sound with solid bass. Recommendations please. Joel
Agree with you Mcne. I recently heard the Red Rose R3's and they were thin, shrill and obviously cut of several different cloths. Very un-impressive indeed. Could have been the set-up--but?
This probably tells you that a home audition is a must when buying a speaker. Sometimes a manufacturer gets it all wrong but can't go back to the drawing board because of cost. I wander if this is happening a lot in the high-end these days.
I would highly recommend the Shamrock Audio Eires..extremely balanced throughout their operating range (38-Hz-20kHz).. they use two excellent ScanSpeak drivers..beautiful construction, including solid wood front baffles and high quality veneers...they have been favorably compared to the Sonus Faber Electa Amators... you get a 30-day money back guarantee if not fully satisfied.. I have successfully used them with various amplifiers both tube and solid-state ... there are audition sites around the can contact Shamrock Audio to see if there is one near you
I heard the Red Rose. In my opinion the tweeter just does not sound as natural as those in some of the other monitors listed.