Best speaker in nearfield listening

I have heard that Audio Physic is great in the nearfield listening position. I sit six to seven feet from the speaker. My budget is up to 5K used. I really want to make this work in a very close listening environment.
must be some dealer pinging me w/negative wotes for encouraging folks to get more for their money by shopping used. oh well...
Hi Sedond,

I took care of the negative votes for ya! By the way, I will be audtioning the Adamantes soon!
tanks, hiflyer! :>) where, by the way, can ewe audition these speakers? i know only of hurricane hi-fi in az, that carries these. the distributor said he'd send me a pair for audition a couple years ago, but i was up-front & told him i could only afford a used or demo pair, & dint want to waste his time (this was for the gnu series III, i've heard the series II). anyway, keep us posted - i tink yule really like 'em!

good luck, doug s.