Suggestions for a monitor speaker

I need a monitor speaker for a small room, low to medium loudness levels, with high quality associated components. (Magnum Dynalab 208, Proceed CDD transport,Musical Fidelity AC 24 upsampling DAC, Nordost interconnect/speaker cable)Cost really isn't a major concern.
ascend acoustics CBM-170 for $328.
Dynaudio BM-5 pro monitor is said to be better than the Audience series and costs $599 from
You may need to spend more... . . then maybe not.
There are so many great monitors out there,it is hard to say what you would prefer.Could you tell us what kind of music you listen to and what you want in a monitor.Also the room dimensions that your planning to use them in.For example.. forward sounding, laid back or something down the middle.Imaging and soundstage with lite in the ass bass or something with impact.Efficient speakers are not really and issue with your Magnum but your cables would swing me towards a soft dome tweeter.
Revel M20 or if price no object Ultima Gems. These are both fantastic speakers.
The Revel M20s. As good as monitors get. TREMENDOUS sound from these babies. There are reviews galore on them. Remember the stands. Do not go half assed with the stands. They are a significant extension of your speaker. Something to think about, $$ wise, when considering monitors, that many audiophools forget about. The Revel stands are as poor as poor can be. peace, warren
The Vmps 626sre is a great almost fullrange monitor, ribbon mid/high driver, bass tight and deep down to the 45hz range. These are about 45# each, around 23inches high. Osiris stands can be found at around $300 and work great with this speaker.