The best Subwoofer

Starting a new thread here...Independent what is the very best subwoofer out there? This is intended to be a detailed discussion and no one's opinion should be bashed!
The Muse 18 is a great sub for Music. But i'll tell you an incredible sub. Its the Impact sub. It uses 2 12 inch woofers and i think a 200 watt Amp. The sub lists for 2500 dollars. I heard it at the Stereophile show. This Sub sounds amazing. Impact was using 2 subs on these high end speakers they made. This Sub sounded so great on music and movies. Here's a pic of the sub. Go to When your on the site, click on Stereophile’s Home Entertainment 2001 Show Highlights — Part I. Its the 2nd pic.
Legacy Audio powered Impact sub is very tight and musical, and sized and priced right. I have used it with Apogee Divas, Quad electrostats, and several dynamic speakers to great effect, for music and movies.
Interesting thread, wish I knew more about subs. I have a set-up where I'd benefit from a sub, I'd appreciate some guidance. I have a bedroom setup with a Linn Classik integrated (amp, preamp, tuner, CDP) and four B&W LM1 lifestyle monitors. I'd like to add a very small and relatively inexpensive sub to help out on the bottom end. WAF is a huge issue as you can imagine. Any and all ideas would be most welcome. Jeff