The best Subwoofer

Starting a new thread here...Independent what is the very best subwoofer out there? This is intended to be a detailed discussion and no one's opinion should be bashed!
Legacy Audio powered Impact sub is very tight and musical, and sized and priced right. I have used it with Apogee Divas, Quad electrostats, and several dynamic speakers to great effect, for music and movies.
Interesting thread, wish I knew more about subs. I have a set-up where I'd benefit from a sub, I'd appreciate some guidance. I have a bedroom setup with a Linn Classik integrated (amp, preamp, tuner, CDP) and four B&W LM1 lifestyle monitors. I'd like to add a very small and relatively inexpensive sub to help out on the bottom end. WAF is a huge issue as you can imagine. Any and all ideas would be most welcome. Jeff
I just got my 2nd Aerial Accountics SW-12 to go with my B&W Nautilus 802's. They "blend" in very well thanks to all the adjustments you can make on the SW-12. The nice part is they have a 400W build-in amp.
I was very impressed when I got my first one as I finally heard what was missing on my 802's especially when playing organ music. However, it's quite a difference when you have a 2nd one connected.
The only draw-back is they are a bit pricey but worth the money.
best subs i've heard are the sub towers of the infinity irs-v's. i'm sure subs of the $135k genesis top model full-range speaker are similar, as they're a similar design, done by the same guy. next best are the vmps larger subwoofers, and they're an absolute steal at the price. no other that i know of can go as low, play as loud, w/as little distortion as these. and, being passive, they offer the ultimate in flexibility for matching any speakers, allowing ewe to choose yer own amplification & choice of x-over. i tink the fact that they're forward-firing, not down-firing, also helps make them easier match w/monitors. caterham1700, i'd wager that a pair of these w/a marchand xm-9 x-over and a quality s/s amp would allow ewe to seamlessly blend w/*many* different monitors. even full-range ones.

ymmv, doug s.

ps - i've never heard the kinergetics sw800's, but from what i've heard about 'em, these wood be worth checking out. (but only infrequently awailable on the used market). jim, a frequent contributor here, successfully mates 'em w/martin-logan cls', & these are notoriously difficult to mate subs with. and, jim's into alfas, so he *must* know what he's talking about! ;~)