Most compatable amp for ACI Sapphire III

Just got these speakers a couple of weeks ago and am now upgrading the system to go with it. I want to replace the old Yamaha R-7 receiver with separates, already have a Magnum Dynalab F-11 Tuner on hold. Also using a Sony 80-ES CD player.
Been looking at Rotel pre-amps & amps...(RC-1070 & RB-1050) plus an older RC995 amp.
Any thoughts on the compatability of Rotel equipment with these speakers? I like a warmer sound, can go another $700 or so with the amp/pre-amp. Cabinet size limits me to just over 17" width, so that chucks some items out the window.
Thanks for any help!
Hi, forget about Rotel, the sound is boring. Take a foray into an integrated tube amp (antique sound, jolida, dynaco, used conrad johnson or audio research) and you'll thank me. Also get an NAD turntable and a grado cartridge (budget analog) and get some LPs. Then you'll hear the sound you want.
Anthem makes some very nice sounding tube gear for the money. Do a search for Anthem on Audiogon and read the reviews at the manufacturer's web site, The Integrated 1 is in your price range, but is a little underpowered at 25 watts. The integrated 2 is a hybrid model and should fit the bill. I've used a Pre1L and Amp 1 to drive these speakers--that may stretch your budget a little...but sounds very nice with these speakers.
I echo the tube option. Offerings such as the VAC Avatar, Conrad Johnson CAV-50, and Audio Research CA-50 would sound great.

Well, I have compromised and gone to a Jolida hybrid integrated amp, the JD 1501RC. After *extended* research, I found the reviews were decidedly positive and the description of the sound is just how I prefer it. Other brands mentioned above had to be eliminated because of size or cost constraints. Plus, as a hybrid, it is said to run cooler, important consideration given my enclosed cabinet with limited circulation.
I was unable to listen to them beforehand. There are only 2-3 places to showcase amps in my 100 mile radius. Stereo stores are increasingly showcasing primarily home theater and listening setups are spartan, relegated to some corner, poorly set up, if at all. Must be a far better profit in HT than 2-channel.
But, to get off topic a moment, salesmen in stereo and Circuit City-type stores have traditionally ignored me because I'm a female. I'm invisible and not worth spending time on. It's an amazing phenom to wait and wait, have a guy walk up and get waited on ahead of. I can't tell you how many times I was itching to spend money in a store but left because I was either not waited on at all or glossed over.
There's a store in Gainesville, FL that I have been into three times the last month...they have lost at least $2500 sales by not bothering to try and SELL me something. Imagine that! A salesman NOT trying to sell?
The first time I went was for speakers; Salesman 1 and I went to a very cramped 2-ch room that had what promised to be decent speakers (Soliliqy), but the trade-in amp had a defect and kept causing major clipping...the guy said, oh well...and didn't bother to put another amp on so I could listen to the speakers. Walked away. I never did hear how they loss, perhaps their loss. I ended up choosing ACI Sapphire III's unheard by reading reviews and opinions. Had them 2 wks and I'm liking them more and more the longer I have them. With the upgraded system, I think it'll be a very sweet set-up.
The second time I went, I got treated well by Paul (salesman 2), he tried to sell me Rotels. After reading your responses and reading Rotel et al reviews very extensively, I had decided on the Jolidas {no place to audition here] but had room to be talked into another similar brand if there was an effort made. I went back to this G'ville place because many of the brands recommended here listed them as dealers. I thought I'd give them a chance to keep the money local and see if they could "sell" me on whatever they carry. Salesman 3 who "helped" me today, he lost interest as soon as I mentioned 2-channel, said all they carry is Cary, "and they're in that room up front" (the one with the clipping amp and previously unheard Soliloquys). And then he just walked away without another word. Yep, there was a Cary pre-amp in there with the offending clipping amp (the brand escapes me) still hooked up, unlistenable to, a week later.
I left, went home and got on the phone. I called Response Audio, talked to Bill. Yeah, he actually talked to me, discussed the system, what to expect, etc. answered all questions, didn't talk down. Nice guy. We got the 1501RC ordered, a Creek phono pre-amp and some cables. They and my Magnum Dynalab FT-11 should be here by early next week, it'll be like Christmas.
Thanks for all your input & recommendations.