Which crossover should I buy?

I've successfully bi-amped my speakers and it sounds great. Only thing is, the crossover I'm using is borrowed from a friend, so I'm in the market for a new 2-way crossover for myself. Anybody have any suggestions? I'm looking to spend up to $750 for the best I can get at around that price, and I'm also open to used units as well. The one I'm using now is the Ashley X1001. It sounds fine (ie it blends well), but it's a bit lacking in punch.
The gear I'm using: one pair Linn floorstanding 2 ways (1 tweeter 2 6" woofers each speaker), Anthem AVM2 preamp, and for power, I can use any combination of a Conrad Johnson 2100, Counterpoint 1A, Counterpoint SA100, Acurus 100, and Anthem MCA2. All are 100w except for the Anthem which is 200w.
This is mostly for music (jazz, r+b, rock) and movies are a far second.
Also, does anybody want to describe their biamp setup and how they got it to work successfully?
I'm using the Bryston 10B. I understand the Marchand is very good too. At the time I bought my Bryston, Marchand did not offer a balanced version--which is what I needed. I think they do now, and are very good value products. Bryston is also excellent, maybe a little better, but costs a fair amount more. If you can get either of them used they should be within your budget. As far as getting it to work, the first thing to do is call your speaker manufacturer and find out what the cross-over point is and what slope is recommended. My Bryston uses cards that sets this--it is not user selectable, but if you buy a used one you can order a new card with the right cross-over point and slope.
THE Bryston is a great crossover - I use the 10B version which is balanced - it sells for 1500 or so new - I bought it on Audiogon for 840 after placing a wanted ad.I am not sure the Ashley you are using is why there is no punch - the balanced Bryston gives you bass control but not high control. I tried a commercial Rane unit that sells for 400 to see if a crossover does a good job in biamping my Martin Logans - i realized even with this product that good things can happen with one so I stepped up to Bryston. I do not know of anything else in the high end that is better or as good for 750 or less. Make sure that in your system it is the croosover that will enhance your punch and some other link because you could be spending for no added benefit .
a couple mfr's i spoke w/several years ago, when i was in the market (and since then ,as well), said the marchand deluxe version of the xm-9 was at least as good as the bryston, if not better. the fact that the marchand was less than half the price, coupled w/the fact that it was 24db/octave (bryston is 12/18?), plus the fact that it has a volume pot *at* the chosen x-over frequency, as well as volume pots for lo-pass & hi-pass, made it a no-brainer for me. i really like it, & it has made blending my subs w/different monitors, extremely easy & transparent. you can easily change x-over settings by plugging in cheap (~$5?) chips.

ymmv, doug s.