Silver Speaker Wire Recommendations?

I am lookng for recommendations for silver speaker wire in the $1500 price range. Any recommendations? I have B&W 803 Matrix speakers.
I recently installed a pair of Analysis Plus Silver Ovals and have found them detailed and open, without the "harshness" I have heard from the limited number of other silver cables that I auditioned. They will easily fit within your budget.
Bigkidz, I used several brands of silver interconnects and speaker cable (all the Silver Audio line, Home Grown, Bear Labs, Granite Audio #444, the last two I like the best), however on my reference system I very much prefer the Pure Note Epsilon Reference interconnects and speaker cables. I highly recommend you give them a demo!
Zu cable Wax is worth a try. Not sure if it's silver actually but it does have "proprietary conductor metallurgy ." He he he. They do sound excellent.

Bear Labs is good and reasonably priced. You may also want to consider the Lieder cables made by Jaap Gunter in the Netherlands. Jaap is THE guy who put Siltech "on the map." Later, after he had designed all their best and most popular cables, there was some dispute and Jaap left the company. He continues his work in The Netherlands, selling cables, ICs and speaker, under the Lieder brand name. If you'd like Jaap's email, let me know ( and I'll send it to you.

Best regards,
Paul Frumkin
Great responses and very helpful. Thanks to all. Looks like I have more research to do. Very much appreciated.