Will a quality USB cable make a difference....

Will a higher quality USB cable make a difference when being used between a storage device (bus-powered mobile drive) and a music server (w/o DAC), as opposed to those used between a source (iMac) and USB converter/DAC? Can anyone confirm an audible improvement?
I'd like to quote Herman because I agree entirely:

>>...the bottom line always ends up that you have try it for yourself.

A thousand more people could post with their findings but you still wouldn't know until you tried it.<<

I agree. Give different cables a try. The tuition is not that expensive! And the point is you will educate your ears when you do try these things out.

And realize that USB and firewire cables do need time to break-in and settle-in (but that's a whole new can of worms!).

And don't forget to restart your computer every once in awhile to reset. Makes a difference in playback.

:) listening,

This is like asking "will a different S/PDIF cable make a difference"

Like with all audio gear, the answer is: It depends.

It depends on the USB interface you are using.

It depends on the rest of your system - is it resolving and low-noise enough to hear the difference?

Everyone believes that they have a super-resolving, low noise system, but IME it simply isnt the case. These types of systems are extremely rare. It takes decades of dedication, tweaking and modding, as well as deep pockets to achieve such a system, and one must have a good ear and patience to avoid going down the garden path along the way. Cables, tubes or the wrong preamp can easily cause one to go down the garden path, regardless of price. Even designers go down the garden path ocassionally.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
"It depends on the USB interface you are using "

Hello Steve: Do you mean USB 1.1 versus USB 2.0 or something different. For example none of the posters noted what kind of data they are transmitting: WAve 24/192 OR MP3 X bits /Y kHz - which will place enotmously different burden on the transmission line..

Looking forward to your explanation.
I am currently using an Audio Research DAC8 connected to an usb music server and I can tell you there is a big difference in sound quality of usb cables. I have been using an Audioquest carbon usb cable. It is a very good usb cable and I would recommend it. I have just purchased an Audioquest Diamond usb cable and there is a big difference in my system. The Diamond usb cable is so much better ,it is across the board better than the carbon usb cable. The top end air, the transparently and better defined bass are easily distinguished differences. Don’t let anybody kid you there is no difference among usb cables. The difference to me is just like all the rest of the cables. They all sound different.
Does it matter where the USB is used?

In my case, I am using a Squeezebox Touch with its digital to my Dac.
But, I am using a USB cable from my computer to my 1 TB External hardrive where my music is stored.
Would a higher end USB cable be useful in that application ?