Verity Parsifals vs 1st series Talon KhorusX

If I ever make a move to solidstate
(I'm thinking maybe Passlab),has anyone heard
or own this combination?
So far some very good advice has been given.

I have to ask what you mean by 1st series Khorus X's? If you are talking about the Khorus with or without the X crossover, I would highly recommend against them. The Khorus X is a very different speaker, in both sonics and construction. The Khorus X is far superior to any version of the Khorus.

As far as the Parsifal, it is a beautiful sounding speaker with great body and character. It is not the last word in dynamics or bass extension, but not weak in those areas and it conveys the emotional aspect of the music quite well.

Both are great choices and, as Tim has stated, are two totally different approaches.
Jtinn- have you ever heard the original Khorus 2-way w/Focal
drivers? Until you do please don't make statements like-"The Khorus X is far superior to any version of the Khorus."

Jtinn- Mahalo for your comments. I still feel the original pre-Talon Khorus to be a great speaker.

I recently updated some parts in mine and added a powered sub, coming in at 50 hz. Performance is so good, that I
can't justify an upgrade to the $16K X or $7K Raven.

Jtinn- One more thought, after looking at your system- While I respect your opinion, I doubt that anyone without an analog input can properly evaluate the merits of a music reproduction system.

Tube amps/output stages and fancy hi end cables can't make up for lost information.

