Verity Parsifals vs 1st series Talon KhorusX

If I ever make a move to solidstate
(I'm thinking maybe Passlab),has anyone heard
or own this combination?
Jtinn- Mahalo for your comments. I still feel the original pre-Talon Khorus to be a great speaker.

I recently updated some parts in mine and added a powered sub, coming in at 50 hz. Performance is so good, that I
can't justify an upgrade to the $16K X or $7K Raven.

Jtinn- One more thought, after looking at your system- While I respect your opinion, I doubt that anyone without an analog input can properly evaluate the merits of a music reproduction system.

Tube amps/output stages and fancy hi end cables can't make up for lost information.


Kana813- Your too funny! I am sure you enjoy your speakers as much as I do mine, but why would you make a statement like that? Do you know Jtinn well enough to draw any conclusions about his system(which to the best of my knowledge has changed several times since it was posted- in fact if my memory is working properly-doubtful- the only thing still being used is a few of the cables) the fact he preffered the newer Khorus X over your Khorus is his opinion. And to the best of my knowledge Jtinn has a VERY nice analog front end. Further more have you heard the Capitole? if not a statement like the one you made has NO merit. I know I am not the only one who uses it as there only source with NO regrets. Simply because you can't justify the price increase to the X it seems foolish to try and believe that the benefits are nonexisting- often in audio the last little bit of perfection costs much more then any other improvement- law of diminishing returns. Cheers ~Tim
Kana813: I never bad mouthed the Khorus, I just stated that the Khorus X is far superior to the Khorus.

Also, my analog setup consists of the following:

SME Model 30
SME IV.Vi Tonearm
VDH Colibri
Manley Steelhead & LAMM LP2 Deluxe Phono stages

Please do not underestimate the Audio Aero Capitole CD Player. It will surprise any analog lover.

No more stinkeye, OK. :)
Tireguy- I'm glad you find me funny.

No, I don't know Jtinn. Are you one of Jtinn's customers or just an idiot as you've posted above.

My comment was based on Jtinn's posted system
which didn't show an analog input until today. Since it's now obvious he has an excellent TT system, I stand corrected.

No I've never heard the Capitole, I don't listen to CDs.
I'm glad you enjoy yours.

Jtinn- Glad to see you still listen to LPs. Live long and
sell lots of $9k CD players to idiots like Tim.
