best monitor available?

I am looking for some input on a potential upgrade to my totem mani2's. I only want to upgrade if it is an obvious improvement (therefore no mani 2 se) and I do not want to change my electronics. (EAD amp/pre pro with latest dacs.) All listening is nearfield, 20ft w by 12 ft deep b7 8 ft high exercise area with speakers on the wide wall 1 foot out. Listening to all but classical, with a velodyne sub for lf. Large amount of off center listening of music and open to small floorstanders if necessary. Have thought about revel gems, wilson benesch, jm lab, verity and others, but only have current experience with revel and totem. I am flexible on price. thanks for your input.
If your looking for the best monitor around, look into the Kharma 3.2 w/diamond tweeter and enigma cable/crossover upgrade, you will have one of the best speakers period- all in a nice 75lbs. package. Contact those who have heard these little gems, don't listen to all those who say "its not possible for that to sound good" because they haven't heard them. You will NOT be dissapointed.
No classical? Your loss! Btw, Spendor makes best monitors available. Hands down!
My vote goes for the Totem Mani-2. Don't take my word, read the review at Stereophile. Hector