Upgrading - - recommendations monitor speaker?

well upgrading might not be the appropriate word but maybe resizing will :p

what i have now : Mirage OM-9 2 times.. Mirage BPS 150i
drivin the OM-9 with my Bryston 2blp pro amplifier!

this is my personal room setup ..
used mainly for music/movies/games from my HTPC

what i would like is to go with a smaller studio like pair of speakers coupled with a different subwoofer..

first reason is that i've been trying to accoustically treat my room and there is just nothing that i can do that will give me a really good sound
then the OM speakers are going in the living room for home theater with a new TV :)

i would like to have recommendations on a really really really good pair of monitors that i could use for myself..

i need something that will play somewhat loud and still give me a great feeling from the larger sized cabinets..

will be powered with the bryston 2b for now..maybe i'll updgrade amplifier later on!

i am not afraid to buy used.. i have a budget that range into the 600-800$ USD for the pair and maybe 300-500$ for a good musical subwoofer!

thanks for your time and input! :)
i like subs :p

what about canadian manufacturers? any hot monitors in that range?
the only one that really stands out is the Paradigm Studio 20...good imaging, very good transparency, a bit "hot" on the treble...and a touch loose in the bass...but for around $500 what do you expect? For a little more I would still go with the Quad 11L...they are really the monitor to beat below 1k...the 12 can compete with monitors in the 2k and above range...
If you want to go used...PSB minis for around $500 used are not a bad choice...a little "boxy" sounding...but with a smoother hi end than Paradigm...bass isnt the tightest I have heard in the price range...but they are surprisingly musical...I wouldnt pay 1k for them...but they are a good used buy...then again...you are still in the ball park of the Quad 11L,Dynaudio 42,etc...