Quad 12L, PMC TB2, or Harbeth Compact 7ES-2?

I am looking to match a monitor speaker with the Plinus 8100 integrated amp. I know the Harbeths are a jump in price from the Quad 12L and PMC TB2, but I wondering which speaker represents the best value, especially in terms of the sound of the bass. I am not able to easily audition these speakers. The room is 15'x15', and I will be adding a Rega turntable and phono preamp after the speakers. Thanks.
I have auditioned at length the Quad 12L and the Harbeth Compact 7 ES-2 in the last month. Despite the Quads attractive lacquered wood finish, there is no other comparision possible at all-go for the Harbeth-there's no question that's it is in a completely different league-a non fatiguing, utterly transparent speaker, a classic, in all likelihood.

I've seen but not auditioned the Professional Monitor Company speakers.

They are not very attractive looking is my only observation!
I know this isn't entirely helpful, since I didn't do the comparison, but I absolutely love my Harbeth Compact 7ES-2. I first heard them at CES with a Plinius 102 amp, and they took my breath away on female vocal. I've heard them at home with both a Bruce Moore tube amp and a new (unbroken) PS Audio HCA-2, and they sound great on both. They are certainly worth giving a listen. Walter Swanbon of Fidelis (www.fidelisav.com) sold me mine. He's a good guy!
Agreed the Harbeth's are great. If you can stretch for the Super HL-5 it's a nice step up - more bass. But they all sound great. Much better than their looks would imply!

Well in the Quads defense...in u want a speaker that is truly uncolored(ie. no rolled off highs,etc)...the Quads are the real deal...as one poster already mentioned...some dont like this level of sonic realism...they are very revealing of source and electronics...however...with good gear(which u have) and a quality recording...they are about as good as it gets below 2k....they also throw a larger soundstage than the above speakers(both good in their own right)...however...I wouldnt say the Harbeth is in a different league...it is an entirely DIFFERENT sound...more in the old school Brit speaker sound...very forgiving...works well with more recordings...but doesnt have the speed or dynamics of the QUads...and the QUad name is synonomous with transparency...