Thiel 7.2: amps suggestions please

I'm a 7.2 owner who looking for a really good amp to match with my speakers. My actual ss monoblocks rated at 250 watts(doubling on 4, 2,1 ohm) Class A probably are not enough: my feeling is that 7.2's eats power like no other speaker except Apogees ! Welcome to any suggestion, specially from 7.2 owners. Thanks.
I listened to the Pass Labs X600 with the BAT VK 51 SE about a month ago. I use the same three cds when I demo new equipment so that I can immediatly distinguish the difference to the gear I previously auditioned. I am currently setting up a listening session using a CJ premier LS 16 tube/pre amp with a ss Plinius SA250 (pure class A). I hope to do this before my trip to Thiel this Friday so I can compare it to their setup. Like I said before the combo of the Pass&BAT was breathtaking but I am going to continue my search for the Holy Grail.
Have a fun looking for your Audio Nirvana Irish ;-)
Just for your info I emailed Shary yesterday but since she has not replyied yet I think the factory is closed now...
Have you tested the Bat/Pass equipment with 7.2 at home or in the dealer showroom ? Thanks again. Cheers.
Luke 72, I heard the CS6 and the Stratos Oddyssey Extreme
combination, its one of the most musical, and natural
sounding combo, I heard.I still miss the music that came
I listened to the Pass Labs/Bat in a home. The speakers were mine and the other gear was others. The room was 18'x20'. Thiel is not closed. They just came off a two week break last week. Sheri emailed me Friday with a scheduled tour with her so I am sure she is still trying to catch up from being away. I see from your replies in your thread that you are leaning towards the Pass Labs. I thought it was incredible but I want to listen to a few more on my list before I lay out that kind of money. You can get one here on Audiogon used for $6,800.00-$7,000.00. New they are $16,000.00 which I am sure you are well aware of.