Thiel 7.2: amps suggestions please

I'm a 7.2 owner who looking for a really good amp to match with my speakers. My actual ss monoblocks rated at 250 watts(doubling on 4, 2,1 ohm) Class A probably are not enough: my feeling is that 7.2's eats power like no other speaker except Apogees ! Welcome to any suggestion, specially from 7.2 owners. Thanks.
Have a fun looking for your Audio Nirvana Irish ;-)
Just for your info I emailed Shary yesterday but since she has not replyied yet I think the factory is closed now...
Have you tested the Bat/Pass equipment with 7.2 at home or in the dealer showroom ? Thanks again. Cheers.
Luke 72, I heard the CS6 and the Stratos Oddyssey Extreme
combination, its one of the most musical, and natural
sounding combo, I heard.I still miss the music that came
I listened to the Pass Labs/Bat in a home. The speakers were mine and the other gear was others. The room was 18'x20'. Thiel is not closed. They just came off a two week break last week. Sheri emailed me Friday with a scheduled tour with her so I am sure she is still trying to catch up from being away. I see from your replies in your thread that you are leaning towards the Pass Labs. I thought it was incredible but I want to listen to a few more on my list before I lay out that kind of money. You can get one here on Audiogon used for $6,800.00-$7,000.00. New they are $16,000.00 which I am sure you are well aware of.
Thanks Jayctoy. Hey Irish, lucky man since you can listen to a lot of great pieces in order to decide definitely what's the best for you ! I'm jealous ;-) Probably you are right about Shari's reply, I have to have a little bit of patience... Thanks again.
Pass Labs x600 is about one of the best deals going on the used market, is virtually indestructable, is made by a top-notch company, and drives the 7.2s effortlessly. Compare the price of the Pass monoblocks with the Krell monoblocks, and for me the choice was obvious. I have not done comparisons with my current setup, but I had a Krell amp with my 2.3s and I understand the appeal. The Pass monoblocks should really leave nothing to be desired. I found mine at a price that was literally to good to be true.

For the 7.2s, the more power you give them, the better. Perhaps the folks at Thiel could give you better advice, but you should probably be looking for at least 400 watts for your new amp to let them shine.

Irish65, please report your findings from you listenings and what you finally decided upon.
