Done and did it again

Hey folks.

I done did it again.

I threw a little shin-dig this weekend, and i was jamming that new Outkast CD, and managed to rip the foam surround. It is a tear along the driver cone, about 2-3 inches in length. That's what i get for running 200 WPC into some 50W radio shackers.

I am planning to upgrade to something better anyways, but that is not for a little while yet. I certanly dont want to send them in and pay the costs for repairs.

Does anybody have a reccommendation for repair? Im thinking of maybe lining the driver cone edge where the tear is with a little epoxy.

any reccommendatios?
I got some of that, ill give it a try.

Jewel? Man thats rough.
How about i just stick to Nick Cave or BBKing for a week or so? :)

Thanks Danlib, ill give that a shot.

I like outkast. Its not yer typical run of the mill rap. There is alot of dare i say it "Experimental" on the album. Good stuff, not just for the homies.

Anyways, im sure ill hear 10 posts that Outkast sucks by people who have never taken a good listen to it. Im used to it. :)
THanks Jeff.

Duct Tape.

Its like the force ya know? From starwars?
It has a Light Side, a Dark Side, and it holds the universe together! :)

If ya cant Duct it, F##k it.
If you're thinking you might not get to your upgrade soon, a $50-$100 or so solution might be to find a pair of Cerwin Vegas in your local classified paper -- they'll take a TON of punishment, not sound shameful, and get you by for a while. Sell them for the same or a hair less when you're done with them. As for the tear... try electrical tape. Outkast? Can't help you there (too Nu!) Try some old-school metal like Kreator or Testament. Wait, you had friends over. Never mind.
i second the duck (duct) tape, followed by a stress test with some NIN "the fragile" (don't forget the kleenex :)
dude, are you in the south? (no offense) i never heard anyone say "done did it" until i moved down here to north cackalackey.........
Third the duct tape. If that doesn't work well then go with a glue (epoxy) and some other cone material from a junk car speaker or something.