GMA Europa owners, what amps do you use?

I am in the process of evaluating the Europas with a 45 Watt tube amp and a pair of solid state monos. After preliminary comparisons, I can see strengths of both approaches. I am wondering what other GMA owners are using to power their speakers.

The McCormack is excellent paired with the Europas, it has alot of power and is an excellent all around amp. I have been contemplating the Gold revision but also have been thinking about tube amps too. Based on the latest review, the AES Six Pacs seem a good deal but I don't think they have enough oomph to push the Europa's properly. I think Roy said they need at least 75 tube watts.

Sold my Coda Continuum Stage+ and Grounded Grid tube pre ($3K total) and am using the Panasonic SAXR45 with the Philips 963sa upsampled to 24/192 in a pure digital format with the Stereovox HDVX cable. The sound is unbelieveable. I have some somewhat snobby high end audio guys for friends and had them over for a listen when I first received the Europas. Put a sheet in front of the Panny and the Philips, the guys thought I souped up the Coda/GG combo, I pulled the sheet away and you should of seen there faces when they saw the Panny and the 963sa, priceless. Plan on doing that at one of our audio club meetings BTW, both loved the Europas and will strongly consider them when they are ready for a speaker change.
When I went with Europas, my amp was a Pass x-250, sound was awesome. I wanted to downsize and take a bit of equity out of my system, so, I went with a Manley Labs Stingray (50w tube). Most won't believe me, but bass improved, soundstage opened up huge, I lost a little of the high frequencies, but the trade of was worth it. I can't imagine needing more.
Great thread! I was just about to open it up myself. I have had my Europas for almost a year now and I have decided to take the upgrade path suggested by Roy. That would be because I am in Hi Fi Nowhereland here.
I have gone with Audio magic IC's and they were a big step up from Signal cable. Then, last April 15th I overspent (oops, darn!) and picked up a Birdland Odeon Ag W/upgrade. Finally we get to my amp-----still the Nad C370. However now I run on the main only by using the Birdland's volume control. Big, big difference! I switched back to the pre-in and it sounded wooden and woolen. Could't take it for a minute---no way.
Anyway, I think Stingray and Mccormack Gold rev A--just don't know yet. For now, the Nad main amp is okay.
Hope we get more responses. That would help.