Ultimate challenge biggest bang speaker

World class speakers cost lots of money I have discovered what I want my system to sound like, but I want to have money left over for better electronics. Anyone know afffordable speakers (up to $3,000 maybe $4,000) that will bring out all the detail, air, sound stage and life-like sound that I sensed when listening to kharmas or jm lab utopia divas or piega c8ltd. or dynaudio c4. All excellent speakers but surely sometimes a bargain can be found that gives you alot for the money. thanks.
Hey thanks for your advice i am starting to realize that audio mags leave out alot of good info, I kind of wish they would hire a larger staff and in turn reveiw close to everything that's out there. But I think this wouldn't work because there isn't enough of an audience(no pun intended) for this hobby. Back to the question-- Let me add that speaker kits are an option as well, but I am leary of a speaker kit being as good as a commercial speaker since I do not own instruments used to align and match speakers .thanks and let's keep this going!
Easy choice, the Magnepan MMGs for $550 or the Green Mountain Europas for $899, both offer great values and are the biggest bang for the buck!
Second hand B&W Nautilus 805s sell for around $1500.
The Signature model about $2500.
I run mine with a Sugden Masterclass Integrated. 33 watts Class A power.
Friends tell me it's the best sound they ever heard.
GR Research is the best buy I have ever seen in terms of a speaker manufacturer using ultra state of the art crossover parts (that aren't even seen in some $20k+ speakers), yet charging a fraction for the relative performance his speakers deliver.

Note: The owner of GR Research is soley responsible for the design of the latest Epiphany speakers. Absolute sound has stated that the Epiphanys re-define imaging and "air"in high end speakers and have recently given them their Editors choice awards for those accomplishments.
These will do what you want. Winner of CES 2002 and 2003 best of high end for good reason. They sound amazing,like one judge said "the RM 40's sounded like other's almost 20k speakers", they do too.An absolute must listen to in the price range. The RM 30's are outstanding also but don't go as low.