Ultimate challenge biggest bang speaker

World class speakers cost lots of money I have discovered what I want my system to sound like, but I want to have money left over for better electronics. Anyone know afffordable speakers (up to $3,000 maybe $4,000) that will bring out all the detail, air, sound stage and life-like sound that I sensed when listening to kharmas or jm lab utopia divas or piega c8ltd. or dynaudio c4. All excellent speakers but surely sometimes a bargain can be found that gives you alot for the money. thanks.
I've owned both Linbrooks and, now, Woodmeres. The Millenium tweeters take time to open up and will still get better after 100 hours. The Linbrooks as a system seemed to reach full potential over about 9 months. Well worth the wait!

I have Reimer Speaker System's Teton GS speakers paired with my Lamm gear. You get extremely coherent speakers which can go down to 16hz. These speakers are also very effecient (95db) which allows them to be used with lower powered tube amps. Reimer doesn't advertise therfore does not get much press. IMHO his speakers perform better than others costing much more.
I think that DIY can yield excellent results, if you know what you are doing.

I DIY'd my speakers(Lowther drivers, modded Voigt Pipes), and I am very pleased with the results. They have proven to sound like much more expensive speakers.

DIY can be a very good bang for the buck. But you have to be careful in selecting your design and components, and know what you are doing.
Tom, you are being the master of the understatment, here! :-)

Now, given a design scheme, I could build a cabinet that would rival ANY available. But the electronics and driver matching. That's where the gum sticks to my shoe. Maybe we should combine forces! I'd love to see what would result from a $3-4K DIY pair using superior design knowledge.

Seriously, though, I think Pedrillo's query is an excellent one and I would imagine that many more a re searching at his stated price point. Like me!