Kharma 3.2 to MidiGrand Upgade???

Anyone have experience in upgrading from the 3.2 CRM enigma to the Midi Grand Ceramiques w enigma?

What improvements/benefits can be had and you've experienced? Very interested in what is possible with low powered tube amps, specifically Lamm ML2.1's etc.

On paper the Midis are more efficient. Are they easier to drive than the 3.2's or does their impedance dip more significantly than with the 2 ways? Also interested in feedback regarding room size, bass integration, etc.

I'm interested also in any comments regarding the new ceramique sub and if its necessary / integrates well with the midis. I am seeking to be able to reach realistic symphonic levels with content loaded classical music and heavy electronica.
Hey Frank, ya wanna know what I think? I think ya need to ease up on those meds! Just please don't send the 'suits' after me!

Be happy and be good!
Also,I'll bet you have not been a reviewer too long.Am I also correct in assuming you do not review for TAS or Stereophile?You don't seem to be as in love with yourself as some(a few guys from that crowd are quite decent fellows,a FEW).Would you believe that some time ago I was at the home of one such chap,who after continually bloviating about how much I should love his stuff,and TELLING me what I must NOT buy(I did anyway, thankfully),then proceeded to Blast the "Has to be bright and crappy sounding"set-up of a dear friend of mine(also an audio journalist,and one of the nicest people you would ever want to meet).Here, this yutz had never heard the set-up in question,and,although the system he had was good,it could not touch my pal's rig.Living in the NY/NJ area and attending various audio gatherings,over a number of years,this scenario has played itself out to me on quite a few occassions.I have nothing against industry types,and,according to my lovely wife,am quite a nut myself,but pomposity,to me ,is really annoying.Especially when those that think they do,Don't.Also, please accept my own apology, in advance,for my own bloviating.
Frank: I agree that virtually everyone I've met in this hobby is a class act. Besides, it's fun to have people (fellow hobbyists) over to listen and share experiences.
We can sit here forever and pluck away on our keyboards but I'll take a "real human encounter" anyday.

Do you like the Lamm amps better than the Tenor OTL's?? The Hybrid's??

Frank, you're on the hotseat... and here's another one for you. How well relatively speaking do the ML2.1's drive those Grand Ceramiques? How close do they come to your setup and how do they differ?: tubed ML2.1's with Grand Ceramique ENIGMA to SS hybrid Lamm ML1.2 ref's and Exquisites with diamond tweeters? As far as my own opinion of Tenor goes, the previous pair of 3.2's in residence had Tenor OTL's driving them and I do prefer the Lamms overall though both have their respective strengths and the Tenors were wonderful within their limits. The current dilemma now also is that I find it impossible to walk near a(ny) pair of solid state amps anymore after having lived with the tubed Lamm SETs. Painted into an oh so sweet corner ...