Most "Ruthlessly Revealing" Speakers. Your opinion

I would be interested to know what speakers folks think are the most revealing.

Ok go at it!

Any Wilson Benesch speaker. I've heard the ACT-1's and they are amazing. I own a pair of Arc monitors and love them.
VMPS RM 40's. I'm also recently a dealer for them but please accept my opinion as honest. The planar mids with the neo magnets and the ribbon tweeters let all the sound out that's in every pit. In my opinion planars, ribbons and electrostatics just have speed I've not heard from a cone although I've heard people say there are some. Line arrays with ribbon tweeters and many mid/woofs would also be up there. Go listen for yourself.
Some of the most resolving, coherent, natural sounding speakers I've heard:

Avalon Eidolon

Joseph Audio Pearls

Eggleston Savoy

Aerial Acoustics 20T

Having heard the Watt/Puppy 7's, I can only imagine how resolving the
Alexandrias must be.

Same with the Von Schweikert VR-9 SE's.

If price were no object and I was looking for the most highly resolving
speakers, these would be at the top of my list.