Most "Ruthlessly Revealing" Speakers. Your opinion

I would be interested to know what speakers folks think are the most revealing.

Ok go at it!

Some of the most resolving, coherent, natural sounding speakers I've heard:

Avalon Eidolon

Joseph Audio Pearls

Eggleston Savoy

Aerial Acoustics 20T

Having heard the Watt/Puppy 7's, I can only imagine how resolving the
Alexandrias must be.

Same with the Von Schweikert VR-9 SE's.

If price were no object and I was looking for the most highly resolving
speakers, these would be at the top of my list.
If you really want to reveal, then you are probably better staying away from 'hifi' speakers and go for studio monitors. Studio monitors are designed to reveal everything when engineering a track, hifi speakers try to enhance/embelish the sound. For a medium to high SPLs I'd go for Genelec's, for lower levels, something like PMC's which I've found in a number of mastering suites.

Personally, I'd stick with hifi speakers for home use, monitors sound fanatastic with a good mix, but will pick out all the flaws in a bad one. I love the Genelecs in the studio over all the other monitors, at home I like Spendors.