What preamp between Burmester and Krell?

I am considering preamp upgrade. It will be obviouslu an used device. Choosing between Krel KBL line stage (former Stereophile Class D in the 90's), Burmester 846 (line stage) and Burmester 785. I am not very familiar with the German preamps, so I want your advice. The rest of the set up is Von Schweikert VR 6 speakers, Esoteric DV 60,s CD player, Audio Note p Zero monos power amplifiers and a phono as analog front.
Please, help!
N. Milkov
Neither, both are horrible sounding pre amplifiers! Look for a used Lamm L1 or L2 preamp instead
My experience is similar to Dkarmeli's regarding the Burmester sound. I'd certainly prefer the Lamm or the Audio Note to match your amplifier.
I also agree, for your setup I think a tubed preamp, such as an Audio Note or a Lamm LL2, would be a better choice. The Krell and Burmester would, IMHO, sound a little threadbare in your system.
Hi Nik,
If possible it's always better to listen to these components yourself and judge (often easier said than done I realize). If your hearing and taste are similar to mine for example, you'll much prefer the AN or the Lamm sound quality and music reproduction.
Good Luck,