What preamp between Burmester and Krell?

I am considering preamp upgrade. It will be obviouslu an used device. Choosing between Krel KBL line stage (former Stereophile Class D in the 90's), Burmester 846 (line stage) and Burmester 785. I am not very familiar with the German preamps, so I want your advice. The rest of the set up is Von Schweikert VR 6 speakers, Esoteric DV 60,s CD player, Audio Note p Zero monos power amplifiers and a phono as analog front.
Please, help!
N. Milkov
I also agree, for your setup I think a tubed preamp, such as an Audio Note or a Lamm LL2, would be a better choice. The Krell and Burmester would, IMHO, sound a little threadbare in your system.
Hi Nik,
If possible it's always better to listen to these components yourself and judge (often easier said than done I realize). If your hearing and taste are similar to mine for example, you'll much prefer the AN or the Lamm sound quality and music reproduction.
Good Luck,
If he has a Burmester amp, why not a Burmester pre? I don't get why it wouldn't be considered. I have heard all Burmester setups(electronics, not speakers) and they sounded pretty incredible to my ears.
Kclone, its a question of taste and experience, just don't find burmester equipment musical or worth the price. This is from direct hands on personal ownership. But no one's telling you that you shouldn't enjoy yours.